AS Media Learning and Assessment Progress

Magazine comparison
In the process of starting this preliminary task, I have learnt how to compare two different magazines, the font the rule of three that there are usually three main colours on a front cover of a magazine. And angles that photographs should look like for a front cover. Through comparing magazine I’ve learnt that the cover lines are very important.

Practicing Photography
I’ve also learnt how to take photographs on different backgrounds. Also having to take photographs I’ve used picnik to edit my images. This has been a success, in addition to this I’m already thinking of contrasts I may want to use for my music magazine photographs.

School magazine & Music magazine Questionnaire
Another thing I've learnt is how to use questionnaire to gain information from a target audience. Also this helped to compare what each person thought of having a school magazine also in the music magazine, what they would like to read about.

Creating a school magazine
In addition learning how to create a school magazine cover, has helped me to learn kills of photography, colours and fonts also layouts of front covers and contents pages even double page spreads. The feedback I received from my peer assessment helped me know where I went right and wrong. For example I should have made my presentation more visual by adding more images.

School Magazine analysis
Through doing the process of making a school magazine cover and contents page taught me how to layout images and use colours to attract the audience, also what cover lines to use.

Flat plan
In the process of having to create a school magazine, I've found having to create a flat plan very useful as it helps you to think of good ideas, for the first step of making a magazine cover. For example what the name of the magazines going to be and the layout, of where I’m going to place you images and the master head.

NME presentation and analysis
For the NME presentation, I learnt how to present a music magazine to my peers. This helped me to learn what others may have picked up on, which I may not have. For example analysing double page spreads in magazine.

Blogger and others
Lastly some of the other skills I’ve learnt are, how to use programmes such as Fireworks, Prezi, Blogger and Slide share. Also having to take photographs I’ve used picnik to edit my images.
What I want help with
I would like to learn how to use fireworks more also learn about how to manipulate photographs in different ways of what suits which pages for example the front cover and contents page.

What I need to improve on
I need to improve on my editing skills for photography and using more images and less context to make my blog more visual.