Magazine comparisons

Colour: Vogue magazine is cold as there is a black and white background image however the ‘vogue’ is an aqua colour which gives it warmth, also the white text surrounding the image with headings are simple but effective. Whereas the ‘vibe’ magazine has a white background which is a colour which catches your eye straight away. This 'vogue' cover has three main colours which are black, white and aqua as most magazines have three colours on the front cover. The colours blend with the image as well which keeps it simple, they have made the text around the image small to keep it classic and smart. Then as the heading of the ‘vibe’ magazine is red it’s a bold colour, which is also eye-catching this gives off an expression that they want to attract their audience straight away. As it has an image of Eminem and his name in bold red writing this attracts people fast as his a popular artist. The sub-headings are a mixture of red and black which blend in with the image and heading, also the 'vibe' magazine has three colours- red, black and white as their main colours like most magazines usually have.
Design: The words on vogue which people will read first are the words which are the largest on this cover it’s the text ‘hwanjini in Paris’ this is someone famous to fashion and have made it onto the front of vogue magazine. This then informs people but it doesn’t tell them when or where in Paris meaning anyone who this appeals to will have to buy this and find out.
The colour scheme of the image and context blend well together on the vogue cover as the context font has a light feeling to it as well with the image because the colours are the same black and white. The image is small but readable this suggests the theme of the magazine is set out to be inviting and organised as the ‘vogue’ is representing itself internationally. The lettering on the ‘vogue’ cover are not bold whereas on the ‘vibe’ cover the lettering is very bold comparing the two covers it seems as ‘vibe’ try to get the audiences attention through bold text and ‘vogue’ are more simplistic in trying to get the audiences attention through text also ‘vibe’ have put artists names on the top right hand side in bold black writing this gets their audience attention this can be anyone who like these popular artists ‘Lil Wayne, Kanye West, Jay-Z and T.I’.
Image: The images on ‘vogue’ are supposed to appeal to anybody of any age who is interested in fashion, style and contemporary culture however ‘vogue’ is mostly for females. So they don’t put women who are in their teens or women who look old, they tend to put famous or well known women who are in their 20’s to attract the young teens who look up to people who participate in ‘vogue’ also women who want to look younger and keep up to trend, therefore keeping their image simple but beautiful also what the cover shows is what readers will expect in the issue they are buying. And ‘vibe' has a male Image, the photograph is very masculine which shows power and aggression. People who read vogue are aged from 16 to 24 and possibly a little older, putting an artist such as Eminem who is young and has been around for many years in the industry of fame. In addition to this Eminem has tattoos these go with the theme of music industry now a days as a style compared to 'vogue' she has her hair back with a detail head jewellery and a plain simple dress to keep it classically fashion. Vogue is representing an event in Paris and Paris is a well known place for celebrities therefore many people would attend and the 'vibe' front cover looks to be
 representing different rappers and rap blogs for many people who enjoy the specific music.

 Pose, style, hair, make-up: The pose of the lady on 'vogue' is a half turn with her lip open slightly and eyes wide open as if she's trying to make a connection to the audience through the image, this is a very focused image however not intense the black and white effect makes it soft. Her hair is pinned back away from her face and she may have make-up on but the black and white effect hides this which gives it a natural simple look. Compared to 'vibe' the image is very bold in colour, with the black vest top and black tattoos on each arm with a simple hair cut but effective as it has no pattern or texture to it its very bland. The pose seems like a serous pose as his jaw is very tight and outlined. This creates an impression that its ether you adore the artist Eminem or you would just like to read about the other rappers in the article. The vogue cover gives of the impression of calm and latest fashion of simplicity.
Composition and framing: In vogue and vibe both of the images are cropped and close ups this then shows more detail, in vogues case its more elegant and in vibes case it makes it easier for the audience to recognise the artist and want to find out more.
      The background of vogue is black with hints of grey, as if it’s turning warmer as it goes more to the grey side and vibe has a plain white background this is simple then it is overlapped by the red, black and grey. The eye immediately moves across the left this is perhaps why both of the magazines have outlined the main issues of the article in big writing for vogue this is ‘hwangjini in Paris’ and for vibe its ‘Eminem’.
Written codes-how are words used on the cover: Both of the magazines have bold titles however vibes title has bold text but it blends in with the other headings in terms of colour, has of size its the largest text on the cover also vogue has an aqua colour for the title. This makes it stand out also its noticeable. 
Magazines tend to give people interest in reading about things they like. Vogue suggests trend and style, the latest fashion and on vibe cover, the front tells you some of the latest rapper then adds ’50 hottest songs’ in the subheadings in bold. Therefore readers will buy this to find out more and know what the hottest songs are.
Language: On both of the magazines they've both put text which will attract their audience. The covers both want to get and inform as many people as possible so they read the issue also in the magazine they'll be adverting things for the reader to buy. As well both of the magazine backgrounds contrast the context making it stand out.
Overall impression: For vogue the cover is simple and effective as its modern scuttle and appeals strongly for what it's about which is fashion and trend this comes across through the image immediately. And vibe has is a masculine magazine which come across in the image and text quickly this then tells the audience what to expect in the magazine itself.