NME Magazine Analysis

Music Magazine Research
1. What is the name of magazine? NME
2. Why did you choose it?I chose this particular magazine because of the colours on the magazine and the image is very focused which drawers the eye.3. Is it a magazine / site you regularly read? Sometimes, because it has a range of different top songs and different stories inside.
4. What is the look or style of the magazine? The style is very retro vintage, however up to date.
5. What kind of music does it usually feature? It usually features Rock,R&b, soul such as Coldplay and Lady Gaga.
6. Who owns the magazine /site? NME are their own company.
7. Who is the editor? Editor of NME Krissi Murison
8. What other members of staff are involved in making the magazine / site?
9. How much does it cost to purchase / access? An NME magazine can cost from £2.40-£4.50. Accessing the website is very easy also you can keep track through your mobile and twitter also facebook, tumblr.
10. Is there any advertising in the magazine / website? Choose two examples to analyse.
11. How many ads / pages? It has 42 adverts and this magazine has 65 pages in total.
12. What products or services are being advertised? Why do they suit the magazine or website?
13. What does their website include? Their website includes 'Music reviews', 'Artists', 'Iphone app', 'Message board' in addition to this a 'Theatre and comedy tickets' and more.
14. What do you like best about this magazine / site? I like that they fill up their website with lots of things to keep you up to date and entertained.
15. What would you change about it?
16. How often is the magazine published and how much does it cost? It is published every week world wide.
17. Who is the institution that publishes this magazine? Do they publish other magazines? Is it a mass media institution or an independent?
18. Who is the target audience and how do you know? Look at adverts and articles as well as the front cover. Also look to see if they have a press pack on the website describing their audience.
19. Front cover analysis (see slideshare example)
20. Contents page – layout, images, what are all the different elements included in the contents page?
21. Double page spread – layout, images, text – denotations and connotations

On the double page spread they've set it out like a news paper with different columns and layouts the style of the magazine is like a newspaper also on the double spread page there are images next to text this is so that the text is not too much to read for readers, on one page on the left there is an image then a heading at the bottom, also sections of paragraphs with a list beside the paragraphs. On the right side on the other page there is an image at the top then context at the bottom with a heading. For the first sentence there is a bold capital 'J' this is how articles in newspapers would start with too. In addition to this follows more columns with images and links for celebrity tweeters. The text is small with formal language.

This is also in the magazine as an advert. ->