NME Magazine Analysis Review

The review I got from other media students for my NME music magazine was that I needed to add more images and annotated them to make it more visual so there’s less context, also that I should have explained the front cover in just a little bit more detail. In addition to this a media student said I should have presented more about the layout in the NME analysis. Could have added more colour in the presentation and also analysed a double page spread in the magazine, all these things could have made my NME presentation better.
However they said that my presentation was detailed with good points about the magazine for example the contents page, adverts and front cover. In addition to this a student also said the explanation that I gave of how the magazine is represented was achieved well. Another good point about my NME analysis was that I presented the target audience for the NME magazine well and had some good ideas on the layout. Lastly the students said the explanation of what’s inside the NME magazine was presented well and the images, I added in my NME magazine analysis were good use of evidence of the representation of the NME magazine.