Preliminary Task: Points to consider

1. Who will be your target audience? (A year group, sixth form, whole school)
My target audience for my school magazine will be for new sixth formers, introducing them to dress codes and also on how to manage their work stress free.  Also to make sixth formers feel welcome and up to date on events that may be going on inside school and outside of school.

2.  What will the name of your magazine be? (It should signal or connote ideas to the reader. Because it is for a student it does not need to have a meaning to the ‘outside’ world.)  The name of my school magazine will be ‘Sixth form Mason-metro’.

3. What will be on your front cover? (Main image linked to primary lead, what other features will appear in the magazine that you will need to advertise on the cover?)
On my front cover there will be a photograph of two or more sixth formers one who’s in year 12 and one who is in year 13.

4. What will be on your contents page? (Remember; the lead article should link to the main image on cover) On my contents page there will be at least 6 main topics, then there will be other topics. Some of the top topics on the contents page will be ‘what to wear’, ‘getting enough sleep?’ and ‘Win an ITunes voucher’ plus more.