School Magazine Evaluation

What did you do well in?
I think I did well in structure as the sub-headings on the front cover have a layout that everyone can see clearly.  Also the way the photo is in the centre of the front page which will draw the eye. The colours of the font I have used are ‘white and orange’ these colours stand out from the background colour. I also followed the house style by only having three colours these are white, orange and a dark brown. Having sixth formers on the front cover, shows that it’s aimed at them.  On the contents page the colours match the front cover which I like also I have added more pictures and more interesting topics.  The layout is set that everyone can see it. I think that my front cover images and my contents page images are focused well and I have fitted people well into the page and frame.
What don’t you like?I don’t like that there isn’t a lot of room left to maybe add more topics. Also I don’t like the way I had to fit the topics on the contents page, being left with hardly any space left.  On the contents page I don’t like that the images don’t have a lot of space between them. It may be a bit cramped. Lastly I don’t like that my front cover may be overpowering the contents page.

What could you improve?
I could improve the contents page by adding more images and having a different layout by making the font bigger also putting the text in the middle of the page and maybe putting the images on the side. On my front cover I’d like to add an image which is black and white with colour for it to stand out also to have a bigger font size, so that the cover stands out and to add colours which will immediately draw a sixth-formers eye. Lastly to add another topic to the magazine this would be to add ‘events’.  I may also need to improve the size of the images on the contents page. Lastly I would make the content page and the front cover as good as each other.

What do you need help with?
I would need help with fireworks, this is so I can develop more into my front cover and my contents page to draw a sixth formers eye. I would also like to learn a little more about how to make a magazine cover stand out from a distance, and what I could add to do this.  I would want help with choosing a font for a title as this would be important for it to stand out.

Overall I am happy with my first magazine cover and contents page also seeing what I did wrong and what I did well in.